Monday, 18 April 2011

Strengths and Weaknesses

. My main strengths are the standard all around strengths. I feel like I am proficient in my ability to navigate a computer and produce documents and files necessary to teach. I feel like I am young enough and persistent enough to troubleshoot my way through any potential problems. I understand a lot of computer navigation because I have grown up being on the computer for extended periods of time.
. The weaknesses that I have in computers is in my ability to communicate what I am doing on a computer and why it is done the way it is. I simply don't have the jargon under my belt. Another weakness I have is still the lack of understanding of the laws and guidelines with regards to copyright laws and regulations. I was not even aware of copyright issues before I took this class. I never remember seeing any evidence of attribution or permission from the producers of media that my teachers used.
. A couple simple things need to take place in order to overcome these weaknesses. I was able to find a number of podcasts that will help me become more knowledgeable of the copyright laws. The link to these podcasts are here. A great book that would be a great companion to help me learn computer language is Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Comprehensive, By Deborah Morley, Charles S. Parker. One of the problems I have with trouble shooting is that I don't know the correct termonology for tasks which inhibits my ability to work through them.

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